Will the 2027 World Fair be hosted in Bloomington Minnesota?

Do you think that the 2027 World Fair will actually be in Bloomington Minnesota?

The 2018 Super Bowl pulled in over 1 million visitors to Minnesota.

It’s possible that Bloomington Minnesota will be selected as the host location for the worlds fair. Competitors are places like Phuket Thailand, Malaga Spain, Belgrade Serbia and San Carlos de  Bariloche Argentina.

If you would like to discuss this further, we can have a coffee talk on MySynergyCafe.com

You can also contact me here on this website.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: By the way, just to be safe, I need to let you know that there are affiliate links on this website where I will earn a commission, if you or anyone else makes a purchase. This is how I make money on the Internet. Thank you for your support.

Get traffic to your website, and make money!

The Internet is a very busy place. So then, how are you going to get traffic to your website? And to be more specific, how are you going to get “qualified” traffic to your website? People that are real people, and not robots. People that have an interest in your product or service or cause. People that actually have the capability of making a purchase or a donation.

This is the question.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: If you find links in and around this website, they are probably affiliate links, and I will earn a commission if you make a purchase of these products and services. This is how I make money on the Internet. Thank you for your support.

What is influencer marketing?

Influencer marketing is a relatively new way to promote products or services through influencers. An influencer is a person, brand, or group of people who are capable of influencing the decisions and opinions of their audience.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: I need to inform you, that there are links on this website and around the Internet that are my affiliate links. If you click on that link and make a purchase, I will earn a commission. It will not cost you any more for the product, but I will earn a commission from your purchase. This is how I make money on the Internet. Thank you for your support.

Random act of Kindness

Could a random act of kindness be incentivized and help our community?

We have tried to incentivize connection, love, democracy, and peace in many different ways throughout history, either through reward or punishment. But in the long term, these incentives do not work.

The problem is within our “original operating software” which is 100% self-serving, self-justifying, egocentric and subjective. Knowingly or unknowingly our greatest incentive is to control others, overcome others, to prove that we are better, stronger, wealthier, and more powerful than others.

We define ourselves through comparing our own state, and prosperity to that of others and this self-justification at the expense of others is stronger than any other incentive we can offer. We are even ready to sacrifice our physical life to protect and elevate our self-esteem.

Thus no other incentive can work to make us truly love others – which means a totally selfless, unconditional service to others according to “Nature’s definition of love” – or to create lasting peace between diverse, constantly competing, warring selfish individuals or nations.

The only way we can achieve mutual love and peace is by understanding, feeling that those “others” are actually parts of ourselves, understanding and feeling that we are all but individual cells of the same living organism.

Through evolving in today’s globally integrated and interdependent world Nature is already pushing us in this direction, but our egocentric, subjective, individualistic mind still stubbornly resists.

This is why we need a unique, purposeful and highly practical educational method – based on Nature’s laws of integration – that can help us not only understand but also viscerally feel our total interdependence and Natural “oneness”.

This has nothing to do with any of our arbitrary ideologies, philosophies, religions or mysticism. This is not something easy like saying nice words and singing nice songs together while dreaming about a brave new world.

Achieving this state of “oneness”, sensing that we all belong to the same living organism, that those others are truly parts of myself is predetermined, obligated by Nature thus we can’t avoid it, ignore it. And it is the most difficult thing to achieve since we need to develop and behave totally against our original consciousness and perception.

This is why we need the above mentioned, unique and practical method to learn and practice how to actually “love others as we love ourselves” since those others are my real self!

The Myths and Lies of SEO

Don’t fall for the lies of those selling SEO tools.

there are a lot of SEO tools that are available on the Internet. These tools claim to be able to give you this data that is supposed to make your keyword research easy and effective.

However, it is my believe that these keyword tools do not know any more than humans know. If you have half a brain, you should be able to do some thinking about what a person is going to be searching for.