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A software to get a Direct Mail Mailing List and a PDF on How to use it!

Even if you have only been in business for a short amount of time you know that there are places where you can buy a direct mail mailing list that is targeted for your business to find new customers.

But did you know there is a software called MailBoxPower, where you can purchase the list, then design a postcard, greeting card or personalized gift to send to that list. All from the same platform.

I called this my Magic Marketing Tool because there are also features in the software that allow you to do print merge so the personalization is unique for each recipient even if it is a bulk broadcast mailing.


Years ago when I was a full-time performing entertainer (Magician) I did a lot of Direct Mall Postcards. I had to design the piece, bring it to a printer, have them print it, and then label it and then put on postage, and get it to the post office.

Now all that can all be done on one software platform.


I have also developed a PDF document that has ways of making direct mail more effective. Here is a link to get that PDF. Yes there is a fee.

GO TO 10 ways to improve direct mail results

And by the way, if you have any questions or ideas, comments or suggestions feel free to contact me.
