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MagicBrad has a way to really make money online with Affiliate Marketing

Yes, I believe there is a way to really make money online with an Affiliate Marketing strategy.

I believe the reason that most people struggle to make money on the Internet, is the feedback and input they get is confusing and can be deceiving.

The key is traffic. And it is not quantity of traffic, it is quality of traffic.

The traffic you sent to your offers, must be in perfect alignment with the product or service being offered. There needs to be a desire for the product or service.

Most people that are online trying to make money with the Internet, or just looking for a huge numbers. They are joining groups of hundreds of thousands of people, thinking that that is the answer with the numbers. Most of these funny coaching and training programs are trying to sell you huge numbers of use to convince you that that is how to make money online. This is simply not true.

There is simply MUST be alignment.

Let’s say for example you are selling hamburgers and hotdogs, and you have literally hundreds and thousands of people every day visiting your store. However, these hundreds of thousands of people are all vegan and vegetarian. Did you make any sales? Maybe, but probably not.

Now let’s change the scenario.

Let’s say you have a list of Business Owners (RealEstate professionals) looking to save time on lead generation and customer retention. It would not be too hard to find 100 or maybe 500 business owners in your area.

Now let’s offer them a piece of software, that will only cost them only $50 per month. This software helps them generate new leads, and also stay in touch with their current customers and prospects to get more referral business.

I have such a software in mind called MailBoxPower, and I call this my Magic Marketing Tool because of the amazing automation features that saves LOADS of time.


I also have some strategies and tactics in place that help us drive traffic to these offers.


If you would like to have a conversation, and do some brainstorming and strategizing on how to make money online, I would love to have a conversation with you.

Lets Connect!

Here is how to make money affiliate marketing with MagicBrad

Are you ready?

Do you want to see how to make money affiliate marketing in a collaborative way?

The best way to make money as an affiliate marketer, is to find products and services that offer recurring commissions so you get paid month after month.

Think about it. That’s how your bills are showing up. Every month after every month. So then, why not have income that is recurring every month.

One of the platforms that I promote is called MailBoxPower and I called this my Magic Marketing Tool, because I also use it to promote my other businesses.


MailBoxPower is a software that I use to promote my events, as well as members of the Synergy Collaborative and I also promote MailBoxPower, using MailBoxPower.

If you are not yet familiar with the Synergy Collaborative, I will explain it briefly to you.

Basically, I created the Synergy Collaborative so that we can get some traction on the Internet. I believe that most of the platforms are not providing the exposure that we all desire.

Together We Accomplish More



You can make money online home bound in Minneapolis and Beyond

Hello there! You made it here now let’s learn how to make money online home bound. Super! You don’t need to leave your house, if you don’t want to.

As long as you have an Internet connection and a smart phone, you can start earning money online today from the comfort of your own home.

You do not need to build a fancy website, or create a complex marketing plan. All you need to do is make a connection between a prospective customer and a product of interest.

You can do this by posting on social media platforms. Or you can take it a step further and be more proactive using what I call my Magic Marketing Tool and the United States Postal Service with a program called MailBoxPower.


With MailBoxPower, not only can you use it as a MagicMarketingTool, you can also promote it as a service for other entrepreneurs and business owners to use. By the way, promoting this product gives you Recurring Commissions which I love.

FREE BONUS TIP: Don’t make this complicated. Making money online as an affiliate marketer is as simple as recommending a product or service.

Don’t get all caught up in needing to sell people into buying your product or service. All you need to do is put it out on the Internet, and let the product sell itself.

It’s all about getting eyeballs on your offers. (I’ll help you.)

Try my Magic Marketing Tool using the United States Postal Service and MailBoxPower,




Get traffic to your website, and make money!

The Internet is a very busy place. So then, how are you going to get traffic to your website? And to be more specific, how are you going to get “qualified” traffic to your website? People that are real people, and not robots. People that have an interest in your product or service or cause. People that actually have the capability of making a purchase or a donation.

This is the question.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: If you find links in and around this website, they are probably affiliate links, and I will earn a commission if you make a purchase of these products and services. This is how I make money on the Internet. Thank you for your support.