google-site-verification: google86386f08bec357e6.html @MagicBrad Q&A: Are REITs good investments for beginner investors? – My Wealthy Affiliate Tribe

@MagicBrad Q&A: Are REITs good investments for beginner investors?

If you are a beginner investor, with an interest in real estate you may be asking, are reits good investments for me?

In my opinion, yes!

Real estate has been around for a very long time. Essentially, real estate has been around since we walked out of the cave. When it started raining, we walked back in the cave.

According to the Maslow hierarchy of needs, security is high on the list of our needs. Real estate, is a roof over our heads that provide security and protection from the elements.

I am not in investment expert or financial advisor. However I do know that real estate investment trust, or a good investment, at least for me. The real estate investment trust I am involved with our commercial, residential, shopping malls, retail stores, office complexes, hotels, vacation homes, senior Housing, retirement homes, and even storage lockers.

Do you want to start earning passive income? Let’s connect and explore opportunities.

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