google-site-verification: google86386f08bec357e6.html Do you partake in the Scream Town Experience? – My Wealthy Affiliate Tribe

Do you partake in the Scream Town Experience?

If you live in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, you have certainly heard of Scream Town and perhaps you have even attended.

This event was created and is produced by one of my fellow Magician colleagues here in the Twin Cities.

It is a very well run production, and as an event professional I have high respect for this gentleman.

Occasionally, because of the large numbers attending these type functions, there can be some people that get out of control. They will start taking advantage of the excitement and often times get out of hand.

The attendees at this attraction, need to obey rules, and act with respect.

When you attend these functions, please act with respect and dignity and enjoy the experience and have fun.

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