google-site-verification: google86386f08bec357e6.html Compare car insurance and save a bundle. Maybe but maybe not! – My Wealthy Affiliate Tribe

Compare car insurance and save a bundle. Maybe but maybe not!

I was told that if I compare car insurance that I could save a bundle on my insurance cost. However, if you keep jumping from insurance company, to insurance company, will you ever develop a relationship with your agent? Sometimes the relationship is worth the extra money you’re paying for the insurance.

Let’s say for example you are saving $1000 per year because you shopped for the cheapest price.

Now let’s look at a scenario, when you needed to make a claim, and your insurance agent would not return your calls. How much is your time worth? You could spend hours and days trying to communicate, and the time you spend thinking about this insurance issue, could be spent on thinking about more productive and revenue generating activity.

So then, my conclusion is use an insurance agent, that has your best interest. Someone that is authentic, genuine and sincere.

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