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The problem with Legendary Marketer and other programs with that same model.

Yes, there is a problem with programs like Legendary Marketer and the many others that are using a similar model.

The core root of the problem is marketing incest. These programs breed Marketers that are recruiting other marketers and teaching them how to recruit more marketers. There is nothing wrong with promoting the training, but it gets a little risky when there is so much emphasis on the recruiting. It’s on a slippery slope of a illegal Ponzi scheme.

These types of programs are not illegal Ponzi schemes, but they are walking on the edge.

Here is the model, and what is bad with it.

The model is a 90% educational training program. There is a low point of entry, and once you get inside most of the emphasis is on up sells into other elements of the training within the program. There is not enough emphasis on marketing in general so that a person could go out and promote other products and services. The students of programs like Legendary Marketer and Empower Network, and My Online Business Education, and Home Business Academy and the many others only learn what is taught in the training. They never get outside of the training to experience real life Marketing.

NOTE: I do think David Sharpe has done a good job with Legendary. He has been at this game for a long time and survived. Kudos to Legendary Marketer.

I have been at this for a while. In fact, I have been involved in all of those forementioned programs. They are all basically doing the same thing.

What I like about the Wealthy Affiliate Platform, is there is training and education, but there is also Tools and Hosting and Website and Design and Keyword research tools and a community.

I am an advocate of collaboration, so I have worked together a team to go along with my wealthy affiliate tribe.

BONUS: When you join my tribe, you are part of my team, and you will be put into my URL Traffic Rotator system.


AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: The products and services on this website are part of the products and services that I promote. If you invest in these products and services I will earn a commission. This is how I get paid. Thank you.

This Fly Fishing flies SALE can make you Money!

An avid fly fisherman is always looking for a fly fishing flies sale to get some deals on some new hot items.

If you love flyfishing, and you also like making money, you are going to love this idea.

Here is the way it works!

It is going to be done, with a process known as Affiliate Marketing. Don’t let this confuse you. It’s not that complicated.

If you are not already familiar with the Affiliate Marketing Model I will give you a basic rundown of how it works.

In a nutshell, Affiliate Marketing is simply being the middleman between a product and a prospect.

In this fly fishing example, the product is the things that a fly fisherman uses. Such as, a variety of flies, reels, rods, waiters, tackle and tackle boxes.

The prospect is the person interested in flyfishing, such as yourself. Probably the reason you are reading this post.

Now for the simple part.

Getting traffic online, is vital and very important in the affiliate marketing space. The way you are going to get traffic, is set up a live stream camera at your favorite fishing spot. All you do is set up the camera on a tripod, and hook it up to your cell phone on a popular live stream platform such as Facebook, YouTube, TickTock etc.

Now your job is to start fishing. All you do is start fishing and talk into the camera once in a while. Believe me, when people learn about this, they will watch, and while they are watching and listening, you make basic conversation about your love of flyfishing.

So then, how do you make money?

As you may recall I mentioned the model of affiliate marketing. What you do, is become an affiliate (which is free) of flyfishing products. These are the products that you are going to put on a simple webpage, which also can be free or a very minimal investment.

You will direct your video viewers to visit this website on occasion.

When your viewers, find an interest in your flyfishing experiences, they will visit your website, and on this website you will have the basic essentials for beginning a flyfishing lifestyle. These essentials are the products that you are an affiliate for. When these new flyfishing enthusiast purchase products from your website, you earn commissions.

Once this is set up, all you need to do is go fishing and go live on the video.

I hope this helps. Please feel free to contact me if you would like more details on this strategy.

If you would like to learn more about affiliate marketing, you can do so by going to the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

GO HERE > Wealthy Affiliate

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: I am an affiliate for many of the products on this website. If you click a link and go to the product and make a purchase, I will earn a commission. This is how I earn a living. Thank you for your support.


Make Money fly fishing Arizona streams in a very passive way!

I would like to share a way to make money fly fishing Arizona streams.

this can be done in a very passive way. I am not talking about selling products where are you need to buy them wholesale, and warehouse them in some storage space, and then pack them and ship them.

There is an easy way.

The simplest way to make money profiting from your passion, is to use an affiliate marketing model.

If you are not familiar with Affiliate Marketing, it is simply being the middleman between a product and a prospective customer.

Don’t over complicate it.

Here is the essence of what I am talking about. Create yourself a platform. Such as a website with a page of products and services related to your passion. In this case, would be flyfishing in Arizona.

Now what you need to do is search out some affiliate programs for fly fishing tackle, products and services, equipment etc.

These products could be fly tying tools, or rods and reels, fly fishing line, and even flyfishing excursions and trainers.

If these products and services have an affiliate program attached to their business, you only need to inquire about their affiliate program, and join it. Usually there is no price for becoming an affiliate. If there is a fee, ignore it and look for free options.

Once you have built your website, and have loaded it with some affiliate products, you can now start promoting your website. The way to do this is to go flyfishing, and set up a camera on a tripod, and live stream your flyfishing activity. You can talk into the camera, or you can just passively fish, and let people online watch you. It is a good idea to somehow put a sign of some sort that has your website domain printed on it.

I have reserved a domain for myself, and I am going to be using this method to build out some passive income in the flyfishing niche.


If you would like to collaborate on establishing online traffic to your website, let’s have a conversation and brainstorm some collaborative strategies.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: There are affiliate links in and around this website. If you decide to purchase through one of these affiliate links, I will earn a commission. This is how I earn online passive income. Thanks for your support.

This is How to get Music Gigs that pay well!

Knowing how to get music gigs is one thing, but gigs that pay is another.

The entertainment business is a difficult Business to succeed in. The reason is, there are a lot of people in entertainment. Especially the music industry.

To be successful in any business, you need to have multiple streams of income. Even the popular professionals, have multiple streams of income. They don’t just get paid for the gigs they do, they also get paid for the merchandise they sell, and other things.

The first thing you need to do in order to get booked for gigs, is to separate yourself from all of the other performers out there looking for the same market.

You can do this by creating a unique personal brand. Even though you have a unique brand, people need to know about it. And you need to be seen often. There is only 24 hours in a day, so you are limited to what you can physically do. Therefore you need to leverage technology.

When I was performing magic locally here in Minneapolis as a full-time performer back in the 70s, 80s and 90s, I did a lot of postcard mailings. Where did I get the addresses? I networked with the convention and visitors bureau here in Minneapolis.

Back in those days, we did not have the Internet. And the postcards I sent had to be designed, printed, labeled, stamped and brought to the post office.

Nowadays, there is technology, and I use a platform called MailBoxPower.

GO TO MailBoxPower

I called this my magic marketing tool.


As I mentioned earlier, you might want to find additional income streams to supplement your gigging income.

You can do this passively, by promoting products as an affiliate marketer.

If you use a specific brand of guitar, or amplifier, or guitar strings, or tuner, you can join their affiliate program, and promote those products and earn commissions.

I understand, that I have oversimplified this, but if you need any help or have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

I learned this from the Wealthy Affiliate Program which has training as well as Tools for Keyword research and SEO. There is also the ability to create multiple word press website and the hosting is included.

SEE Wealthy Affiliate

DISCLOSURE: By the way, I am an affiliate marketer and I need to disclose to you that I may earn commissions on this website. This is how I make money online. Thank you for your support.

Free event invitation templates can save you loads of time!

Yes! You can use MailBoxPower to make free event invitation templates and it will save you tons of time.

Sending invitations to any event, used to be done through the United States Postal Service. Then along comes the Internet, and everything is done online these days it seems.

However, the old fashion method of direct mail is still very effective. In fact it could possibly be more effective considering the longevity of an email in a persons inbox, compared to a postcard mailed to their home or office.

What I am doing now, is using the free version of Canva to design a 4“ x 6“ postcard. I then upload this graphic into my MailBoxPower software, and I am able to send out these postcards at only $.40 each.

If you’re not familiar with MailBoxPower, it is a software platform that allows the user to send postcards, greeting cards and personalized gifts through the United States Postal Service.

I call it my magic marketing tool, because of the features inside.


If you would like to learn more about mailbox power, you can visit this link below.

In the video below, I talk with my friend Bo Young about how we use this software.


AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER: I am an affiliate for MailBoxPower, so if you decide you are interested in the software, and decide to purchase it, I will earn a commission from your purchase. You will not pay anymore, I will just earn a commission. This is how I earn money on the Internet. Thank you!

These fly fishing lures for bass are the best!

If you are looking for fly fishing lures for bass then check out these that I have listed below.

OPTION #1 – Popper flies for fishing top water.

OPTION #2 – Set of 12 bass bug collection

OPTION #3 – Hollow body frog floats on water

DISCLOSURE: By the way, these are affiliate links and there are affiliate links in and around this website. If you make a purchase from these links, I will earn a commission. This is how I make money online. Thank you for your support.

Learn From The Pros At Fly Fishing Expo

Learn From The Pros At Fly Fishing Expo

On the first day of spring, maybe you’re looking for a new hobby. Have you tried fly fishing before?

Yes, I went to the flyfishing expo. One of the reasons was it was an expo, and I am one of the expo guys from MediaMAX Events and Expos. It’s true. Me and my friend Rick Martinek started MediaMAX Events and Expos back in 2004. since then, Rick has retired, and I have shifted a lot of my Business more towards digital marketing.

However, I do have an interest in flyfishing. When I was younger I had a flyrod, and used it on occasion. So now that I am older and almost 65 years old, I am considering taking up the flyfishing Activity.

I even grabbed a domain name for flyfishing, because most everything I do I try and attach some sort of revenue stream of income to it.

The domain name is

At the time of this post, I have not billed out the website, but it is in the future, and there’s no time like the present to start promoting the website.