google-site-verification: google86386f08bec357e6.html How will the Andrew Yang Freedom Dividend work for Affiliate Marketing Business? – My Wealthy Affiliate Tribe

How will the Andrew Yang Freedom Dividend work for Affiliate Marketing Business?

How will the Andrew Yang Freedom Dividend affect Affiliate Marketers?

In my opinion, I believe the Andrew Yang Freedom Dividend of $1000 per month for every United States citizen that is legal and law abiding and age 18 or over will be very beneficial to the affiliate marketer, and also the entrepreneur in general.

Although, $1000 per month is a small amount of money, it is still very significant to the self-employed entrepreneur. This gives them some base income to use for advertising.  Some people do not agree with the government giving $1000 per month to United States citizens. However in my opinion, it is like a dividend check from the United States capitalist economy. As a United States citizen we are shareholders in the United States stock market of all business that takes place on United States soil.

Some people are still stuck in the “dollar per hour” job mentality. However if you think about the dollar per our compensation model, you can see that it is limited by the number of hours you are able to work per day, and how much your employer is willing to pay you per hour.  In normal circumstances, this is not enough to live on.

Although Andrew Yang calls out Amazon for not paying into our tax system, we all know that Amazon is STILL a huge help to building wealth in this country.

Adding an Amazon Banner AD to my blog posts is what supplements my income.

To get a JUMP on earning an income from Affiliate Marketing, you can join me on My Wealthy Affiliate Team or learn more about My Wealthy Affiliate Tribe and if you are just a little bit confused, you can CONTACT ME and I will explain.

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