google-site-verification: google86386f08bec357e6.html The Ultimate FSBO Listing Strategy: MagicBrad and Friends introduce to you a Collaborative Systemized Process – My Wealthy Affiliate Tribe

The Ultimate FSBO Listing Strategy: MagicBrad and Friends introduce to you a Collaborative Systemized Process

Keeping on top of the hundreds of leads coming in each week, and getting them all converted to buyers.

MagicBrad is here to show you how to put your leads and clients into categories, like hot, warm and cold.

If you’re a Real Estate Agent or a Broker, click ‘Get Access’ below now!

Not getting enough leads.

Do you want to increase your business 10x within the next 12 months? MagicBrad is offering a way that will increase your closed sales from real estate listings! This a unique, proven method of real estate marketing !!! The value in this system is $650+ per year/per agent.

Most agents are not making as much money as they could, because they don’t have one. Some may have one now, but at MagicBrad we know that keeping your clients happy is the key to long-term success. Plus the big goal of doing what you love and loving what you do, right? For those of you who don’t have a process at all… guess what… you’re missing out on MASSIVE amounts of revenue potential.

“I’m working too hard, not making enough sales and my pipeline is empty.” Yes, I understand! My name is Brad Thomas and I am going to be your guide on this journey. Agitated?

Solution: You can start increasing your income right away by exploring the real estate webinars we have created for you here at

Your customers don’t know what they want.

Isn’t it?

Real Estate Agents and Brokers are tired of spending so much time trying to figure out what their clients or prospects really want. No more guesswork. With my proven system, you can capture your client or prospect’s true “idea of value” to you, and then present them with a series of offerings/service levels that fit with your targets “idea of success.

Losing money because of commission leakage? Brokers and Agents need to step into the 21st century.

Technology keeps changing, but we haven’t adapted well enough to stay competitive and get ahead of the curve.

Our system is designed so you can be successful no matter what size your business is.


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