This is how to sell Your Event Tickets online with MagicBrad

They certainly are a few different ways to sell your event tickets online and I would like to share a few ideas with you.

One of the easiest methods is to use the  platforms that are already existing. This can be valuable to you, because first off, you do not need to have your own payment processing platform. You can use something like EventBrite to list your event, and the payment processing is done on their platform. Of course, it is going to cost you a percentage of the ticket, so you will need to factor that into your admission price.

I have been involved with the event industry, since I was a young child. I recall producing fundraiser events for Muscular Dystrophy Association in my yard as a child.

I then became a full-time performing magician. I would do shows for Corporate Events and Association Conventions, which then got me into the tradeshow industry. Then created my own Tradeshow for the Event Industry called the Minnesota Event expo and to this day I am still producing that event.


Here is my process for building my list, by promoting events. It’s no secret, it’s just a strategy.

The platforms I have used are EventBrite, Facebook (Ads) and MailChimp.

Set up your event on the EventBright platform, and then integrate that with Facebook events. You will need a Facebook page for this, so that you can do the advertising to push traffic to your event.

You will also want to integrate event bright with MailChimp.

Oh, and by the way, I am an open book. If you have some ideas in the event world and would like to discuss them with me and do some brainstorming I am open to having a conversation.


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