This is what to start investing in to earn passive income. @Moneyripples

People that crave financial freedom wonder what to start investing in that will bring the fastest return.

Usually financial freedom is not about fast, but more about FLOW.

I recently had a video interview with my friend Chris Miles that runs a company called MoneyRipples.


Our conversation went from investing in real estate, to investing in software, and we even talked a little bit about investing in bitcoin.

We talked about the dangers of investing your time into one thing, that might evaporate someday.

The common investor puts their money into the stock market, which is often times a volatile place to put your hard earned money.

Personally, I have a lot of my money invested in Real Estate Investment Trusts also known as REITS. I have been doing fairly well with these investments.

However, Chris has some other ideas, and now that I have interviewed him a couple times, I need to look further into his savvy and strategy.

We also talked about passive income. I have some passive income streams from some software that I promote. The people that use this software, are being charged monthly subscriptions, and I am an affiliate of these platforms, so I earn passive recurring monthly commissions off multiple users.

Granted, any one of these could close and disappear at any time. This is why it is so important to have multiple streams of income. Multiple streams provide more of a guarantee of success. Perhaps not a guarantee, but at least a better chance.

The software I am referring to is called MailBoxPower and it is used to automatically send postcards, greeting cards and personalized gifts to my clients and prospects.

I call this my Magic Marketing Tool, because the automation happens by itself which feels truly magical.


By the way, if you have any interest in some of the things that I am doing online to earn passive income and would like to brainstorm some ideas, I am open to a conversation.

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