It’s fairly common. Learning how to make money online selling information products is nothing new.
Selling information products is one of the more common ways to make money online via the Internet. There are website platforms that have a plethora of how to documents and teaching programs of information that can be sold on the Internet.
The way this works, is someone creates an information product and packages it up for you to sell. Then you earn an affiliate commission from selling that product.
These information products can come from a variety of topics. Such as sports like football betting, or cars, and how to repair them, and same with motorcycles. Cooking, golf, fitness, yoga, magic, music, how to play the guitar and the list goes on. essentially, anything you can imagine.
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform will give you multiple ways to build out a website, finding customers, and also where to find the products for you to sell.
If this is even slightly of interest to you, and you have some questions, feel free to contact me.
Minneapolis Minnesota