List of Warehouse Jobs near me for Full or Part-time Work

Do you REALLY want to work at a warehouse job?

Working in a dark dingy warehouse all day long can really tear a person out. Sometimes you might wonder if it is worth the money you are being paid.

Granted, you are getting an hourly rate and you have the flexibility to perhaps work during the day or at night. You may even get the opportunity to work weekends.

Maybe there is a better way

What if you worked your warehouse job part-time, and spent some extra time building your own passive income stream building a website about something you are passionate about.

Perhaps you have an interest in boating, fishing, skiing, exotic cars or whatever it is that you are happy about.

How to create passive income

When you build your own website, it is a property that you own your self, and you are in control. You can select a topic (niche) that is our address to yourself.

Your only job is to find things you are interested in and put them on your blog or website. Your website is then monetized with similar products, that you will get a commission from when one of those products cells from anyone that visits your website.

Your only job is to find things you are interested in and put them on your blog or website. Your website is then monetized with similar products, that you will get a commission from when one of those products sells from anyone that visits your website.

Sound interesting?

If this idea of creating passive income is the address to you, you can contact me at anytime with any questions. Or if you want you can join the three basic membership and learn on your own.

Let’s connect and collaborate!


Minneapolis, Minnesota

Neil Patel shares his hacks on getting Website Traffic

In this video, Neil Patel shares some of his strategies and hacks on getting traffic to a new website.

Having a new website, that does not get any traffic can be a depressing situation. It is a long and tedious process to get traffic to a website, unless you are using paid traffic. In this video Neal shares five different techniques for getting traffic to a new website. One of my favorites is the joint venture concept. This is where two or more people work together to create content around a common objective.

Doing paid advertising on Facebook or Google or Bing or LinkedIn is definitely a way to get traffic. However, you need to really know what you are doing to optimize this traffic into conversions.

Product alignment with Consumer.

Getting the right qualified traffic to your website is very important. If you are getting traffic to your website and they are not qualified to be buyers of your product or service, that is really a waste of time and energy.

Take some serious time to evaluate what your product or service is, and who is the ideal customer for that product. You should also capture the name and email address of each visitor to your website so that you can re-send information to them. This is because most people do not purchase on their first impression of a product. Certainly, this will happen once in a while. And it will happen with a recognized brand. This is why I advocate doing a lot of video, which increases the know, like, trust and respect factor.

If you are interested in learning how to make money online, as an affiliate marketer, please feel free to contact me with any questions or ideas. I love brainstorming and looking into ways of collaborating for mutual gain.


Minneapolis Minnesota

How to Make Money Online from Home with Wealthy Affiliate

I’ll bet you would like to know how to make money online from home and when can you start learning?

Making money is one of those necessities in life. You have bills to pay, responsibilities that need your financial attention, and you want to have some fun. Is that right?

Making money online is very different from making money per hour. First of all, making money online can be happening 24 hours a day. Whereas, making money per hour can only happen if you are working during those hours. With an hourly job, the only way you can increase your income, is either working more hours, or getting paid more per hour. Of course, your boss would like you to work more hours, and your boss wants to pay you as little as possible.

This is what really is happening.

What is actually happening when you are working for an employer, is they are buying your knowledge and expertise at a wholesale price, and then reselling it to their customers at retail. That idea in and of itself, does not seem fair. It definitely does not seem like a wise decision for someone that wants to live a better lifestyle.

How to make money online.

There are multiple ways to make money online. In my opinion, affiliate marketing is the best. More on that later. One way to make money online, is to buy products at wholesale, and use the Internet to market and promote these products, and sell them at retail. The problem with buying and selling products is you need to store the product somewhere, which will be some type of warehouse, which will be an additional expense. This does not happen with affiliate marketing, because you are promoting someone else’s products or services, so that person needs to warehouse and store the products. Also, that person is the one that is responsible for packing and shipping the product.

Why affiliate marketing?

As an affiliate marketer, you are the middleman between the product and the consumer. All you do is make the connection, and when the product sells, you earn a commission. You are like a matchmaker of a dating service. One of the things I like best about making money online, is the work that I do is add my own choice of time, and place. The money that is earned can happen any time during the day or night, and it does not matter where I am or what I am doing.

How to learn and get started with affiliate marketing

There are literally thousands of places to learn about affiliate marketing. However, you could waste a lot of time searching for the training. A much more time effective way is to learn from a platform that has all the training in one place. That such training place is called Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy affiliate university has plenty of training as to how a person might get involved in affiliate marketing. Also, is a lot of methods of building websites on WordPress. There is also a place to learn about keyword selection and research. And there is also a community of other affiliate marketers, that are very willing to help.

If you would like to learn more, or if you have questions, please feel free to contact me.

Let’s connect!


What’s on in Minneapolis | Ask MagicBrad


It is Friday here in the Twin Cities and I’m wondering… what’s on in minneapolis that I might go to you today or tonight. Friday nights are always celebrated for some reason. Do you know what that reason is? Actually, I don’t know what the reason is and I believe it is because people have been working their butts off from Monday through Friday now they want to celebrate the upcoming weekend.

Weekday Wage Slave

Why do people work 9 to 5 jobs Monday through Friday? It is my belief, that we have been programmed to do so since grade school. People have asked what do you want to be when you grow up, and what they are actually asking is not what you want to “BE“… They are actually asking, what are you going to do for a job.

People all over the world, have been programmed to have a job. And that job is provided by an employer. Every once and a while some person with an entrepreneurial self-made spirit decides they want to be their own boss, and do their own thing.


The idea of creating your own business, and designing your own lifestyle is scary for some individuals. They think that most businesses fail (Which they do) so they choose not to start their own business.

Two Very Different Things

Running a business, and earning an income, are two very different things. What’s on in Minneapolis where I live, is really no different anywhere in the world. Running your own business can be very labor-intensive and time-consuming. However, making money can be as simple as investing in the right space to create passive income. When I say investing, I don’t necessarily mean investing money. It may be primarily investing time. Certainly, you might have to invest a little money here and there to get the tools you might need. For example, I needed a iPhone, to create this very post that you are reading now. I also needed to invest in some training, and a website. I got ongoing training, multiple websites, A personal coach, and a community all through the Wealthy Affiliate University for a little over $300 for the entire year.

Escape the 9-5 Rat Race

If you would like to explore how are you can leave your 9-to-5 job, and start earning an income for yourself, you can try the wealthy affiliate network for FREE. (I mean for your email address) LOL

Yep… You have to invest something. Your email address. LOL

If you have any questions about making money online with affiliate marketing, or what’s included in the Wealthy Affiliate platform, feel free to contact me.

Let’s connect!


Minneapolis, MN


Toyota Dealers near me are making CASH on the Side (Reporting from Bed) LOL

I was laying in bed watching YouTube videos, and then it occurred to me that Toyota dealers near me could be making some CASH on the side.

Car Sales People can earn side cash?

You might be wondering, is it ethical for a car dealer salesman to be doing a side hustle to earn extra money over and above the commissions they’re making on selling cars. well, if it is not taking away from the time they are spending in the dealership, and they are doing this side hustle work on their own time, the dealership would not have any issues. especially, if the side hustle gig was actually selling a few cars here and there at the same time.

Here is how it works!

The car dealer sales person can set up a website that they use to promote various vehicles that are available for sale. Within the website, the sales person can include various affiliate offers for car accessories and other products that are of interest to people that buy cars. Such as, steering wheel covers, add on accessories, seat covers, and the list goes on. You only need to check Amazon to see how many automotive accessories there are available for sale.

Passive income right?

Yes, this would be passive income. The work done on the website can be done on off hours whenever there is some free time. As an example, as we speak right now of the time I am doing this post, I am literally laying on my back in my bed talking this message into my iPhone. If you are to look around on this website, you will see some banners with ads about products related to affiliate marketing. These are my affiliate links and when purchases are made from the links clicked on this website I will receive a commission. This is happening 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This is what makes it a passive income stream for me.

How to try this free!

The place I learned about this affiliate marketing concepts, and the place I build multiple websites is called the Wealthy Affiliate. You can join as a member for the free version by simply entering your email address. Just look around on this blog for the Wealthy Affiliate banner and click it.

As always, if you ever have any questions about marketing online, feel free to contact me. You can find me by simply googling the key word “MagicBrad“ and you’ll find me on multiple social media platforms.

Let’s connect!

BRAD MagicBrad GUDIM – Minneapolis Minnesota

FIND: Job Fairs Near Me or Learn to Make Money Online

The job search is no fun. Even if there were multiple job fairs near me I don’t know if I would enjoy attending them all looking for work.

I will admit, there are times when I have thought about just getting a job as opposed to being an entrepreneur. It seems much easier to just pick up a paycheck every week as opposed to constantly working. Unless of course you love what you do, and it is enjoyable. As an example, right now I am laying in bed using my voice recognition software to talk this into my Apple iPhone. Somehow, I feel that beats looking for a job.

Alternative to the 9 to 5 job

Yes, there is an alternative to working the 9 to 5 jobs with hourly pay. Also, it is not necessary to do one or the other, when you could do both. It’s like a hybrid of income opportunities. You could go get temporary work and work our jobs, and then build an affiliate marketing business on the side.

Is affiliate marketing hard?

You might think affiliate marketing is hard, but that really depends on your definition of what hard work is. If you think it is hard work to write blog posts about a specific area of your interest and passion, then your life will be hard. Imagine if you found something that you were passionate about. Perhaps sports cars, or fishing or hunting, or maybe you’re interested in cooking, or yoga.

If you have a passion or interest in a specific topic, the information that you research, and the content that you produce, will be a labor of love, and you will enjoy doing what you do. One of the wonderful things about affiliate marketing, is the work you do can be done anytime of the day, and the benefits are realized at spontaneous times throughout the day. The Internet does not sleep. And it is active 24 hours a day.

How would you get started in affiliate marketing?

If you are sincerely interested in getting started in affiliate marketing, you can contact me with any questions. Or you can just join the Wealthy Affiliate membership. And it does not cost anything to join the free version.

Let’s connect!


Minneapolis Minnesota

FIND: Temporary Employment Agencies Near Me and GET PAID!

YOU FOUND IT! Your search for temporary employment agencies near me just opened a unique way to earn money.

The keyword here is “temporary“ or are you looking for a full-time job working for hourly wages? You do understand, that hourly wages are limited to how many hours you can work in a day, and how much your employer is willing to pay you per hour. The amount that an employer is willing to pay is usually much, much, much less than the individual is worth.


Do you know your value?

Most employees are willing to work for whatever they can get from their employer. When in fact, their value is significantly higher than the dollar per hour rate that the employer is willing to pay. I fully understand it from the employers point of view, and that they want to pay out significantly less, so they maximize their profit margin.

This factor, naturally limits your ability to get paid what you are actually worth.


Temporary is OK.

It’s fine to be a temporary worker, just to keep your head above water, and pay the bills. However, if you want to have a better lifestyle, you are going to need to significantly increase your income over and above your current bills and expenses.

The reality is, you cannot do that with a temporary hourly paying job. You can only increase and scale up your income when you can leverage your time spent working, so that your energy spent is working when you are not.


The saying, “Time is Money” is a MYTH

If time, was truly money, we would all have the same amount, just as we have the same amount of 24 hours in a day.

Time is a constant, that we all have in common. Money however, is a variable, and will be different from person to person.

So then, how can a person make money, when they are not working? They have to automate the process, or leverage other peoples time so that they are generating revenue while they are not working. That is where the make money while you sleep concept comes from.


The Internet doesn’t Sleep

The Internet is operating 24 hours a day seven days a week 365 days a year. So then, how can you capitalize on this 24 hour machine? Considering that people all over the world are accessing the Internet at multiple times throughout the day. Many of these people are consumers, looking for products and services.

The question is, how can you provide consumers with products and services on a global basis 24 hours a day? This is what AMAZON has done. If you think about it, AMAZON is running 24 hours a day and people are accessing those products from their computers as consumers. Amazon, does not even provide the products. The products are provided from other people. AMAZON is simply the middleman providing access to the consumer.

How can you be like AMAZON?

I am not suggesting that you try to replicate what AMAZON has done. What I am suggesting is you become the “middleman” between the products being sold, and the consumer that is shopping for them.

You can easily become the “middleman” by becoming an “affiliate marketer“ and making products available to consumers. You do not need to create products or services yourself. You simply need to have access to them from various “affiliate programs” that can be found online.


What is an affiliate program?

Affiliate programs, are set up by product and service creators that are willing to pay commissions for marketers, like myself, to promote their products and sell them for them.


Granted, this sounds simple, and it is simple, but it is not easy. It requires an understanding of how the process works, and how to find the people that want to sell the products, and also how to find the consumers that want to buy those products.


Fortunately for you…

Fortunately for you, there are training and education platforms available. One of these is the Wealthy Affiliate community. I am not going to try to sell you on their program, because I just do not operate that way. This is one of the wonderful things about affiliate marketing, is you do not need to put on the hard-sell. If people want it, they buy it.

Getting the traffic to your offers, is the challenge. That is how you got here, reading this. All I am doing, is making the offer available to you.


Join the Wealthy Affiliate Tribe!

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out and contact me.



Minneapolis, MN

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