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BannerSeason is now MailBoxPower

Yes, that is right… BannerSeason is now called MailBoxPower and the features and benefits are getting better and better.

I call it my Magic Marketing Tool because there are so many cool features for automation and personalization.

For those of you that might not be familiar with this amazing and wonderful piece of marketing software, it is used to send postcards, greeting cards and personal gift via the United States Postal Service.

You can try this software for free, but first I need your email address.


Once you go to this page, and you enter your name and email, you will get a message with access to MailBoxPower..

I would also ask, if you would consider joining the Synergy Collaborative of Internet savvy Affiliate Marketers.


Working together using digital marketing strategy and live in person events will accelerate the success rate of earning recurring ongoing monthly commissions.

If you have any questions, comments, ideas or suggestions please feel free to contact me.

The Minneapolis Airport Parking Rates don’t really matter much

If you are making plenty of money, then the minneapolis airport parking rates don’t really matter much.

However if you don’t have much money in the bank, you try not to pay those crazy parking rates.

The reason I study online marketing, is to be able to earn passive recurring income so I don’t have to be that concerned about empty pockets.

Take a look at some of these other blog post, and you will get an idea of some methods of earning income online.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.


Our Synergy quick start affiliate program will pay you $100 and $150 commissions.

YES! Our easy to start affiliate program will pay you $100 and $150 commissions for Exhibit Space Sales in the Minnesota Event Expo in Minneapolis. (You can sell these from remote)

Our Synergy Affiliate Program will also pay you 50% recurring monthly Commissions on Synergy Collaborative Memberships.

You can explore more by going to this page.



Did you know you can sell concert tickets and make money?

YES, it is true! You can sell concert tickets and earn a commission from your sales.

There are affiliate programs from various ticket resellers, that you can join their program, and use a tracking link to promote the concert. When people buy their tickets through your link, you will earn a commission.

The challenge with making money online, is matching the product or service with the buying customer.

If you know how to find concert goers, and you can target them with these Affiliate links to purchase concert tickets, you can make a serious livable income.

One of the platforms are used to promote my affiliate links, is called MailBoxPower. I use this often, and I call it my Magic Marketing Tool .


As always, if you have questions you can feel free to contact me to brainstorm or answer any questions you may have.

What is an Amazon FBA Seller doing to be successful?

When affiliate marketing is the trendy thing to do, what is an Amazon FBA Seller doing to make money?

They are taking advantage of the affiliate marketing model. At least, this is what I am doing.

I produce tradeshows and expos, and have always been challenged finding a commissioned sales person to sell Exhibit Space in the Expos.

It occurred to me, there are Affiliate Marketers that know how to drive traffic to an offer, and they could earn significant $100 and $150 commissions selling Exhibit Space in my Tradeshow.

This is one of the reasons I created the Synergy Affiliate Program so I could get these shows sold out.

Is savvy Affiliate The Marketers can also earn recurring commissions from selling Synergy Collaborative and Memberships.


We are also working to create other products that have high ticket commissions.

If you have some ideas or questions please feel free to contact me.


No need for work at home sites with MagicBrad

Are you endlessly searching for work at home sites on the Internet so you can find a job to work from home?

There are a zillion of them, and you will be searching and testing them out for the rest of your life. most of these websites are simply directories of crap. The Internet has gotten very saturated with meaningless worthless Content.

The best way to make money working from home, in my opinion, is to find something of interest to you, that has a good profit margin, and is not saturated with Marketers pushing their agenda.

I have created my own Affiliate system, so I am able to pick and choose who I want to work with, and what I want to promote.

I call this my Synergy Affiliate Program, because it has a synergistic approach where I work with you, you work with me, we share the results.

The world that I am working in, is events and activities, primarily in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul Minnesota.

Our current products are the Synergy Collaborative Membership and the Minnesota Event Expo that takes place in March.

If this is of interest to you, please feel free to contact me with any questions comments or ideas.

Can you Make Money Selling Annuities on the Internet?

Can you make money selling annuities on the Internet?

Selling annuities can provide a significant income. With average commissions around 7% if you work as an agent you can make $7000 by selling simply one $100,000 annuity.

If an agent was to choose insurance jobs in annuities commonly choose to be upfront and take commissions that are residual in option.

You might be wondering how much an agent can make selling duties. Well, commissions will range from 1% to maybe 3% and that depends on the policy.

People are more savvy these days of their options because the Internet provides a lot of information. So you cannot play any games. To sell things directly, you need to be a savvy sales person.

In my opinion…

In my opinion, you could probably make easier money by teaching other people to sell annuities. You could do this as an affiliate marketer with a training website.

You would not even need to create your own products. You could simply state your opinion, on your website doing multiple blog posts on various topics, and then passively visitors to your website will click on ads on your website that leads them to products that they may purchase. When they make a purchase, you earn a commission.

All you do, is post your opinion.

I am sure you have an opinion of what is good, bad or otherwise in this profession. However, you may be limited in earning, by regulations within the industry.

Affiliate marketing, allows you to promote and advertise a variety of products and services, and earn commissions from them.

The Wealthy Affiliate Program will show you the basics all the way to expert techniques for becoming a Super Affiliate.

And as always, if you would like help to create your website and marketing plan, please feel free to contact me.


Minneapolis Minnesota