However, the weather is something we have no control over. We do, however have control over how our events are perceived, which will make them a priority for show goers.
Minneapolis Event Vendors crave catering Minneapolis Convention Centers Events because the audience is huge, and there is a lot of activity happening at the expo halls with Tradeshows, Hospitality suites and meetings.
So then, where do the savage Event Planners a Minneapolis and St. Paul shop for their resources?
Once every year Synergy Ventures and hosts a Tradeshow for the Event Planning Industry. This show started in 1991 at the International Market Square. It was created by Brad “MagicBrad” Gudim.
The vendors and exhibitors at this tradeshow expo, consist of activities, attractions, business owners, caterers, decorators, entertainers, facilities, florist, hospitality rooms, incentive programs, limousine services, meeting planners, publications, restaurants, caterers, and the list goes on and on.
Almost anything an event planner needs for putting together a special event, meeting, tradeshow or private party.
For those vendors interested in connecting with these event planners, they can become members of the Synergy Collaborative and participate in multiple Social and Business a Activities.
Have you ever noticed that very few network marketing businesses advertise in publications like the Minneapolis Business Journal or even the Star Tribune newspaper?
The reason is not that these publications do not support the network marketing model. The reason, that I believe, is that network marketing does not provide enough margin and their products for the Marketers to earn enough money to pay for the advertising in these type of publications.
There are however other opportunities to build a network marketing business.