google-site-verification: google86386f08bec357e6.html Is MSP Off Site parking the only answer? – My Wealthy Affiliate Tribe

Is MSP Off Site parking the only answer?

Finding a place to park your car is a growing problem in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St Paul. The MSP off site parking is a small part of the solution equation.

Unless you have been living under a rock, you have seen the plethora of condos in multi family dwellings popping up all over the major metropolis cities. Even out into the distant suburbs, the apartment complexes have become massive.

This means more and more people. Which also means more and more vehicles.

Where will we park our cars?

With the pandemic situation, there have been more people leaving the downtown areas and moving into distant suburbs. But this will increase exponentially, as people multiply.

Every year, or actually each month, a new massive group of teenagers become driving age. They get their license, and start driving around the city, and eventually need a place to park the car.

This expansion could be good for business and commerce in the city. There are plenty of places to park your car, but it is going to cost you some money. There are places like the mall of America and your typical shopping mall has free parking. But places like the Minneapolis Saint Paul international airport, have paid parking on-site and offsite.

So then, what is the good news?

How can we as entrepreneurs and affiliate Marketers capture this growth and leverage it to our benefit?

Maybe someone will come up with a phone app, that allows a driver to park their car any place universally, and pay an annual fee or a monthly fee to park their car.

If this paid app has an affiliate program implemented, as affiliate marketers, we could sell the app membership and earn a monthly recurring commission on all the drivers that we sign up to this app.

It is the future.

Be ready for it.


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