These great Direct Mail ideas and how to deliver them.

I used to mail a lot of postcards back in the 80s and 90s. One of my favorites was a puzzle that was printed on the postcard. People would actually save this puzzle in their wallet and call me sometimes to find a solution.

Another postcard I would send was another puzzle that required the use of five pennies and five dimes and to find a solution I use my phone number for the call to action.

I also used a perforated Postcard once that could be separated into three separate pieces and delivered to different departments within a company.

There are a lot of direct mail ideas that are very creative, and also impactful.

However, more importantly how do you deliver these messages to the ideal prospective customer?

I would use a product called MailBoxPower, because it is a Magic Marketing Tool… Take a look.

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What I personally find amazing about this software platform, is not seen from the outside.

Here is what is on the inside.

  • Postcards, Greeting Cards and Personalized gifts.
  • Print Merge feature allows sending hundreds or thousands of pieces yet each individual piece is personalized.
  • List Builder to select the geographic and demographic specifics of individuals or businesses.
  • Automated Campaigns to schedule birthdays, anniversaries or specific dates. You can also set campaigns to trigger when a form is filled out.


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