google-site-verification: google86386f08bec357e6.html How to Make Money as an Event Planner (or in the profession) – My Wealthy Affiliate Tribe

How to Make Money as an Event Planner (or in the profession)

Yes, you can make money as an Event Planner, for sure.

Can you make good money as an event planner? Yes. EVENT PLANNER’s meeting planners convention coordinators earn a annual salary of over $47,000. There were over 116,000 people that were employed in the United States as convention coordinators meeting and event planners.


Of course, the Internet has a plethora of information on how to plan events. YouTube has event planner videos to watch that teach you the basics of event planning. However, how can you plan any event, if you don’t have a client to plan it for.

Marketing is the Challenge

You may be interested in planning events and taking care of the details, but you need a client to do it for, that will pay you to plan their events. Unless of course you plan your own events.

How to get Clients

There are networking organizations for the event industry, like MPI (Meeting Professionals International), ILEA (International Live Events Association), HSMAI (Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International) and more.

Another way to make money in the event planning profession, is selling products and services to EVENT PLANNER‘s such as party supplies, tables, chairs, draping, balloons, decorations, flowers, the list goes on and on and on.

You can sell these products and promote them when you become an Affiliate Marketer. An affiliate marketer, is the middleman between people that manufacture and distribute products, and the end-user customer that buys them. Or the event planner.

If the model of affiliate marketing, is of interest to you, you can learn more about the process and techniques of building out web pages and promotional platforms like Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc.

Somewhere on this post, there is probably a Wealthy Affiliate  banner for you to click, and enter your email address to get more information.

And, of course, as always… I am available to answer any questions you might have. Please feel free to contact me.


Minneapolis Minnesota


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