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What is NASCAR season? I think it is all year round.

I saw this question, what is NASCAR season and I had to chuckle.

From what I understand, NASCAR is one of the most popular spectator sports in the world.

When there is a spectator sport of that caliber, I think the season is ongoing 365 days a year.

Personally, I am not a race fanatic, and can’t really imagine sitting in the bleachers watching cars drive around in a circle.

But for some people it is a lifestyle. It is all about NASCAR.

When I see people that are this passionate about a subject, and there are so many people involved, it triggers my entrepreneurial brain to figure out a way to capitalize on earning some online income. Which is the reason for this post.

If you are a NASCAR fan, and are also interested in making passive income on the Internet, we should talk and have a brainstorming session to see if we have some common interest and combine our strengths.

If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call or contact me on the Internet.

Here are a few other tools and resources that I use to make money online.




Who won vikings game? Does it really matter?

Why do people care who won vikings game and what difference does it really make?

I guess to a true football fan, they might be interested in what the Minnesota Vikings do during a football game. Myself I have never really been that interested in team sports. I actually prefer watching UFC.

With football, you’re sitting way up in the stands usually and the players are so far away, you can hardly see what is actually going on.

It’s also, very expensive to go to a game. Just parking your car it’s gonna cost you between $20 and $50.

A glass of sugar water with bubbles in it, or a beer is going to cost you three dollars to six dollars.

How do you make your money? Do you work a job that takes up most of your time?

Hopefully, you have some passive income so you can afford to take the time off to go to a Vikings game.

Is it illegal to take pictures of Vikings players off the Internet, and have them printed, and then give the pictures away to people?

I’m thinking there might be a way to capitalize on this Vikings team and their football game. If it’s so popular, why not make a few bucks off the fans?

I would just stay away from the NFL trademark.

As long as you are not selling these pictures, then you are not profiting from the picture. But you could use the picture to attract attention. It’s all over the Internet.

DISCLAIMER: I personally do not know anything about the legality of using images of football players. So whatever you do is at your own risk and your own responsibility.

Is MSP Off Site parking the only answer?

Finding a place to park your car is a growing problem in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St Paul. The MSP off site parking is a small part of the solution equation.

Unless you have been living under a rock, you have seen the plethora of condos in multi family dwellings popping up all over the major metropolis cities. Even out into the distant suburbs, the apartment complexes have become massive.

This means more and more people. Which also means more and more vehicles.

Where will we park our cars?

With the pandemic situation, there have been more people leaving the downtown areas and moving into distant suburbs. But this will increase exponentially, as people multiply.

Every year, or actually each month, a new massive group of teenagers become driving age. They get their license, and start driving around the city, and eventually need a place to park the car.

This expansion could be good for business and commerce in the city. There are plenty of places to park your car, but it is going to cost you some money. There are places like the mall of America and your typical shopping mall has free parking. But places like the Minneapolis Saint Paul international airport, have paid parking on-site and offsite.

So then, what is the good news?

How can we as entrepreneurs and affiliate Marketers capture this growth and leverage it to our benefit?

Maybe someone will come up with a phone app, that allows a driver to park their car any place universally, and pay an annual fee or a monthly fee to park their car.

If this paid app has an affiliate program implemented, as affiliate marketers, we could sell the app membership and earn a monthly recurring commission on all the drivers that we sign up to this app.

It is the future.

Be ready for it.


I’d like to know, what is an Indexed Universal Life Insurance Policy?

I admit, I have heard of this before, but I have never really researched it.

So then, what is a. indexed universal life insurance policy, and how could I take advantage of this?

I recently saw a TikTok video about this, and it intrigued me. However, I don’t think you can trust the advice you see on most social media platforms. Including this one.

Look into this stuff yourself. Do your own research. Learn enough so you can make educated decisions about products and services you see online.

If you have been following me on the Internet, you can see that I am pretty open and transparent. This is because I believe that trust is the main factor for success in making money online.

For example, I promote a software platform called MailBoxPower that I think is an amazing piece of software. I call it my Magic Marketing Tool, because of the features inside that allow for laser targeting audiences and automating repetitive tasks to save time.


They say that time is money, but if that was the case, we would all have the same amount. We all have 24 hours in a day. So how are we going to use this time?

My time is spent putting things online, that can be found 24 hours a day seven days a week 365 days a year. Creating Content that can be found, just like you found this blog post.

If you ever want to connect and do some brainstorming and learn ways to make money online, let’s connect.

I think, of all Real Estate Mailers postcards are the most cost effective.

Yes, I have my reasons why I think of all the real estate mailers postcards are the BEST.

And here’s why…

#1 – There is no folding or stuffing of the envelope. There is no envelope.

#2 – Because there is no envelope, the message can be seen from multiple people. The post man sees it, the receptionist sees it, the mail room sees it, the recipient sees it, and even if it is thrown in the trash, the garbageman might see it.

#3 – A postcard is easy to retain. The recipient can pin it on a bulletin board, or use a magnet to stick it on the refrigerator. They can prop it up on their desk and deal with it later. A postcard is easy to handle and hold.

I  use a software platform called MailBoxPower, to send my direct mail Postcards.

I call this software platform my Magic Marketing Tool, because of the amazing features inside. There is a list builder to purchase mailing list by geographic and demographics.


Another feature, is the automation feature. You can send someone a form, that they fill out, and when they click submit it will automatically start a campaign and send the first item.

Another feature is the print merge feature that allows you to personalize multiple items. You could literally send out 100 items, and each item will have a content piece specific to each individual recipient.

I use postcards for my Synergy Affiliate Program, and members of the Synergy Collaborative, and to promote the Minnesota Event Expo.


If you have any questions or concerns, or ideas or suggestions, please contact me and let’s connect and brainstorm.

How a Real Estate Direct Mail Postcards software gets (and keep) MORE business referrals.

Staying top of mind is vital in business. Especially in these days of online activity. The use of real estate direct mail postcards is popular, but I think a lot of the agents are doing it incorrectly.

This is just my opinion.

Just mailing out a postcard, is not enough. There needs to be a series of mailings, and they can NOT be “salesy” or they will just be thrown in the trash.

Use fun graphics and be entertaining.

Also, doing these mailings consistently is also vital. However it can be time consuming, unless you know how to leverage automation.

I have a software called MailBoxPower, that I use a lot. I call it my Magic Marketing Tool, because of the features for purchasing super targeted lists, and the automation and print merge functions.


I also use this Platform and the United States Postal Service to send invitations for my Minnesota event planners expo coming in March.

If you are local to the Twin Cities, and want to learn more about Event Marketing, you can register to attend this event at

As usual, if you have any questions, ideas or suggestions please feel free to contact me.

Your search for Minnesota Vikings Star Tribune will give you the winning team

When you do a search for Minnesota Vikings Star Tribune and the Pioneer Press comes up, you know you’re on the wrong search engine.

But at least you found what you were looking for. You found the Minneapolis newspaper that has a opinion about the Minnesota Vikings.

No let’s get down to the reason that you are searching for the Minnesota Vikings and the Star Tribune newspaper.

You are either looking for the next upcoming game event are you are looking to find out who won the last game.

If you are looking for the next upcoming game, you must not be a serious fan. In my opinion, a serious Viking fan would know these things almost by heart.

The Pioneer press has got both Minneapolis and St. Paul covered because the name Twin Cities is in their website domain.