google-site-verification: google86386f08bec357e6.html Passive Income & Automation – Page 2 – My Wealthy Affiliate Tribe

Here is the best postcard printing service that MagicBrad knows of…

Here is the best postcard printing service in my opinion.


There are probably hundreds or maybe thousands of online platforms to mail out postcards. There are places that do the printing, and also provide an additional service of doing the mailing. There are also platforms that are turnkey and fully contained. You could also get them printed and label them and put postage on yourself. But in my opinion the best morning software for sending postcards, greeting cards and personalize gifts is called a MailBoxPower and I use it very often.

The List Builder – This is how it works! – CLICK THIS (limited time)

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: I want you to know, that I am an affiliate for many products and services, and if you were to make a purchase from any of the links on this website, I am very possibly will earn a commission. This will not cost you any more money for the product or service, but this is how I make money on the Internet. Thank you for your support.

Check your Aries Love Horoscope daily so you don’t miss your opportunity!

If you are serious about meeting your soulmate, be sure to check your Aries Love Horoscope daily so you do not miss that special opportunity.

Check your Aries Horoscope HERE

Keep in mind that different people will experience different energies.

It is also important to know your own personal energy and you can do so by looking into your numerology report.

Get your Numerology Report HERE

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Best Practices in Solanum Jasminoides care can make Passive Income!

Do you know that there are best practices for solanum jasminoides care that can produce passive income as well as tomatoes?

Yes! That is correct!

I am currently building out a website for gardeners, because the micro niche of tomatoes is pretty impressive.


Even though Gardening may seem a casual hobby, most gardeners do not realize that if they had a simple website and by documenting their daily casual activities in the garden, they could very possibly create a very significant passive  income.

How can this be done?

A simple answer, is to become an affiliate marketer for multiple Gardening products. This is free to do, and will cost you no money to become an affiliate of gardening products.

Here are just a few of the products that you might be able to become an affiliate for, and promote on a simple website.

  • Seeds, Bulbs and Plants
  • Tools and equipment
  • Wearables
  • Soil and fertilizer
  • Planters and containers
  • Books and education
  • and many many more!

If the idea of making passive income in the Gardening World, is just slightly interesting to you, please feel free to contact me.

You can also become a part of

If you have any questions go ahead and click here to CONTACT ME


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The Magic Illusions explained (in public) are the Magic Illusions ruined!

If you search online you will find magic illusions explained and it is WRONG for people to do so!

Granted, this is my opinion. However I share this opinion with other professional Magicians.

There are “tricksters” (those that expose are not actual Magicians) and they will justify the explanation of magic secrets. They will claim that it is good for magic, because it spreads the interest.

These “tricksters” are approaching this from an egocentric place. They are not considering the audience. They are not looking at how it affects the person that actually enjoys being amazed by a magic illusion.

These tricksters should be sent seize and desist orders.

Imagine if you were a child and you believed in Santa Claus, and looked forward to the magic that Santa Claus brought to you. Now imagine if your mother exposed Santa Claus. What if she told you that Santa Claus was actually your father dressed up in a costume.

Christmas would lose all of the magic that was there. This is not fair to the person that enjoys believing in an illusion.

Without a secret there is no magic.

The people that expose the magic to the public are killing the magic. They have no respect for the art. However, forgive them for they know not what they do. They are ignorant, and are doing this for a ego boost, so they can feel like they are superior and knowledge.

Granted, there are “sucker effects”, where are you slightly expose and effect, and then do a one up do you have more impact for a routine. this is a different type of revelation.

Teach in private, perform in public.

If a person wants to learn magic, they can do so by purchasing a book, or even going to the library for free. But they still need to take some action. If a person wants to teach magic, they should do it in a private setting, and not in public. This includes the Internet. Teach in private.

Those that are found exposing and revealing magic secrets should be banned from all magic related venues. ie: The Magic Castle in Hollywood. They should be banned from magicians conventions, magic venues, and magic stores. Until they can learn how to appreciate and respect the art of magic, they should be given a time out.

The Sport Fly Fishing Tackle Market is Baiting Oeople, not Fish!

I bought this flyfishing domain name, to make money on the Internet Promoting and flyfishing.

The latest research report provides a complete assessment of the Sport Fly Fishing Tackle Market for the forecast year 2022-2029, which is beneficial for businesses regardless of their size and revenue. This survey report covers the key market insights and industry approach related to COVID-19 (Omicron) in the coming years. The Sport Fly Fishing Tackle market report provides data and information on the development of the investment structure, technological improvements, market trends and developments, capabilities, and in-depth information on the major players of the Sport Fly Fishing Tackle market. The market strategies followed worldwide in relation to the current and future scenario of the industry have also been detailed in the study.

The report begins with a brief presentation and overview of the Sport Fly Fishing Tackle market, the current market landscape, market trends, key market players, product type, application, and region. It also covers the impact of COVID-19 (Omicron) on the Sport Fly Fishing Tackle Market Trends, Future Forecast, Growth Opportunities, End-User Industries, and Market Players. It also provides historical data, current market scenarios, and future insights into the Sport Fly Fishing Tackle market. This study provides a comprehensive understanding of market value with the product price, demand, gross margin, and supply of the Sport Fly Fishing Tackle market. The Competitive Perspective section of the report provides a clear insight into the market share analysis of the major players in the industry.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: In an attempt to be as transparent as possible, I want to let you know that the links in and around this website are my affiliate links, and if a purchase is to be made through one of the links, I will earn a commission. It will not cost the buyer any more. But the commission is paid to me as an affiliate marketer. This is how I make money online. Thank you for your support.

Have you considered traveling to Philippines for a vacation?

I have never been, but I have considered traveling to Philippines to see what it is like.

I just got off the phone with my new friend Francis, from the Philippines. He is interested in getting involved in affiliate marketing.

we talked a little bit about the platform I am using to generate traffic for my affiliate offers. This platform is called MailBoxPower, and I call it my magic marketing tool.

I have always liked the Asian culture. Perhaps that is why I got involved with the martial arts. I recall in my early days of magic as a hobby, I had a dragon lantern, that I enjoyed to use while practicing my magic.

I have traveled to Bali Indonesia two times, and one time in Thailand.

I have been to many places on this planet, and some things that are common are music, money, food, real estate, food, dating and relationships.

I have been to Rio DeGennaro, Brazil, Jamaica, Cancun, Tulum, Cabo San Lucas, Hawaii, Bali Indonesia, Bangkok Thailand, London England, Paris France, Spain, and many other places.

Did you know there are affiliate programs where you can earn money promoting travel?

Someday, I am going to build out a travel website, but until now I am going to point my domain here.


AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: I want to be open and transparent, and let you know that there are affiliate links in and around this website, that if you make a purchase from these affiliate links, I will earn a commission. This is how I make money online. Thank you for your support.