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Fly fishing nets are a must option; here’s why you need one

Fly fishing nets aren’t really optional; here’s why you need one.

“Fishing is not an escape from life, but often a deeper immersion into it.” – Harry Middleton

It has always amazed me the amount of people I take on fly fishing trips that never bother to bring a net. Some will say they don’t need them, others claim to only bring them on certain trips.

However, I have never found a situation where I am fly fishing and a net wouldn’t be immensely beneficial.

Can you get by without it? Yes. Can you get by without a dishwasher in your kitchen? Yes, but it’s going to make it much more difficult.

Why Do Fly Anglers Need a Fishing Net, Really?

There are several reasons that I always bring a net on my fly fishing trips, so much so that I would feel naked without one.

Let’s start with the obvious: using a net increases your chances of landing a fish exponentially. Fly rods are designed to be extremely lightweight, long, and to use with low-pound leaders. Without a net, you’re risking significant damage on your equipment as well as losing your catch.

Not only does a net help the angler land their fish, but it also makes handling the fish much easier. With a quality net, you’re taking out a lot of the hand work that goes into catch and release fishing. If you are releasing your catch, using a net gives the fish time to regain its strength and gather itself before being released back into the water.

Finding the Best Fly Fishing Net

I have actually used several different fly fishing nets over the course of several years. This is not because of bad luck with the former, but because I was interested to see if there was one particular net that outperforms the others, and to find the net that worked best for me.

While I haven’t narrowed my gear down to one specific net, I have had great experience with a few quality nets that all have their advantages on rivers and streams.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Please be aware, that there are affiliate links in and around this website. This is how I make money online. If you click these links, I may very well earn a commission. It will not cost you anymore. It’s just a percentage commission for me as an affiliate. Thank you for your support!

What is the Keystone Pipeline project?

We hear about it in the news but what is the keystone pipeline project and is it a good thing, or a bad thing?

What does this have to do with affiliate marketing, and how can you benefit?

Good and bad is relevant and relative to the individual and their beliefs and values.

If you can profit from it, you might have the opinion that oil is a good thing. But if you can profit from natural energy, you might think that oil is a bad thing.

The specific details of the Keystone Pipeline Project is an oil supply pipeline that runs from Canada to the United States. , It is owned by TC Energy.

It runs from Alberta Canada to the USA in Illinois and Texas. There is also oil farms in Cushing, OK.

I think we can all agree, that oil is a primary energy resource for the world.

If you live in any city, you will see a vehicle of some sort, and it is probably running off of gasoline petroleum.

This is not saying that we can’t move towards electric vehicles, but in our current situation the majority is petroleum based vehicles.

We will move more into natural energy resources, but the way it sits right now, it is the oil pipeline that feeds our lifestyle.

My thoughts are, keep the oil flowing, and work on natural energy resources like solar, water, wind and geothermal.

So then, what does this have to do with affiliate marketing?

Did you know there are solar energy affiliate programs that you can earn a commission from when you refer business to a solar installation company?

To find these types of affiliate programs, it is a simple Google search away. All you need to do is Google the keyword “Affiliate Program”, and then the keyword of the type of natural energy you are interested in.

By the way, there are affiliate links on this website that I earn commissions from. So I need to post a disclosure.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Yes, there are affiliate links in and around this website, and if you decide to purchase one of these products or services, I will earn a commission. This is how I earn money. Thank you for your support.

If you would like to learn more about affiliate marketing, hi highly suggest investing in the Wealthy Affiliate Program. Here is where you can learn more.

GO HERE >> Wealthy Affiliate

What jobs pay 100 hour is the Wrong Question!

If you are looking for what jobs pay 100 hour as a wage, you are thinking the wrong way.

If you are truly interested in time freedom, financial freedom, and the freedom to go where you want when you want, then hourly compensation by a wage slave is not the occupation for you.

Any job that is paying you per hour, is taking your time away from you. if you’re not working, you’re not getting paid.

This is the reason I am such an advocate of affiliate marketing. You can do your work anytime you please, and the income is passive. Do you have the ability to scale up your income, by doing more work, but you do not need to do the work when someone else is controlling you.

I guess, if I was getting paid per hour, I would want the hourly wage to be so incredibly high, that I could make $1 million in a few months, then I would invest in real estate investment trust (REITs)

But it would be hard for those three months, because I would not be in control of my own destiny. And if I died within the two months, and not realize the fruits of my labor, I would have wasted those two months.

I love my time freedom!

The wonderful thing about being an affiliate marketer, is you do not need to worry about fulfillment of the product, or management of employees, or warehousing product, or deal with refunds or returns.

All I need to do as an affiliate marketer, is promote a product to a prospect.

If you would like to learn more about the Wealthy Affiliate program that I use to build up my website, do my keyword research, and learn about marketing trends, you can go to this link.


AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: There are links in this website, that are connected to affiliate programs where I will get paid, if someone makes a purchase. This is how I make a living. Thank you for your support.

Here is where I find affiliate programs for my website that makes me money!

If you are reading this, you are probably curious and interested in finding out where I get affiliate programs for my website that are profitable.

Most of the self-proclaimed expert‘s and gurus out there on the topic of affiliate marketing, will not tell you where they find the successful products. The reason they won’t tell you, is they are afraid. They have a fear of someone taking over their market. This is scarcity consciousness and a negative mentality.

There are an abundance of products and services on the Internet. imagine if grocery stores were afraid of letting other grocery stores know that selling milk, eggs and bread was some kind of secret.

Common necessities are plentiful.

Also, the unique niche products and services are plentiful as well.

No, where do I find products?

Certainly, there are those networks like a CommissionJunction, ShareASale, ClickBank etc. These are the common ones. Believe me, there are a zillion others.

To find a product or service that has an affiliate program, for a specific niche, the answer is just a Google search away.

Simply search the keywords “Affiliate program for ________ (blank)”


Affiliate program for yoga.

Affiliate program for gardening.

Affiliate program for exotic cars.

Affiliate program for Software.

There really is no limit to Affiliate Program‘s, because affiliate marketing has been around for years and years. It is simply the middleman making a connection between a product and a prospect.

The gurus and experts that are trying to sell you training, are simply con artists that are looking to separate you from your money.

I will share with you what I know at no cost to you. In fact I will collaborate with you and we will make money together.

Synergy Collaborative

The benefits investing REIT – Real Estate Investment Trusts

There are multiple benefits investing REIT which stands for real estate investment trust.

The main reason I am invested in real estate investment trust, is because real estate is a very secure investment. Why do I say this, it is because real estate has been around since the caveman. The cave was there shelter from the elements of nature.

The rates that I am invested in, are hotels, motels, vacation homes, residential, commercial, shopping malls, strip malls, retirement homes, and storage lockers.

Those are some pretty secure investments, and I think they will be around for a very long time.

People have been noticing for quite some time now that condominiums and apartment complexes are sprouting up like weeds. Developers are building huge Complexes of Apartments and living quarters for people young and old.

The young need a place to live, when they move out of their parents houses, and the elderly need a place to live on their way out. Sad but true. People will eventually pass, but in the interim they need a place to live. They do this at senior living centers and retirement homes.

Another element of real estate is healthcare facilities. As people grow older, they need to have a place to stay and be taken care of. This is not an inexpensive necessity. It’s actually quite expensive, which is what makes it a good investment. The money is there.

If you are interested in investing in REITs , please feel free to give me a call, and I will share with you what I know.

I’m looking for self storage prices near me affordable enough to store my classic!

I need some good self storage prices near me so I can’t afford to store some of my classic collectibles.

15 Storage Facilities

I’ve always thought self storage was a good business, because it seems to be very low maintenance, and it’s a recurring passive type Income.

When I was running my exposition management business with my friend Rick Martinek the expo guy, we were considering buying into a self storage facility.

We never did, but I did invest in real estate investment trust, (REITs) and self storage is one of those real estate properties in my portfolio.

The interesting thing about REITs, is when times are good, people have a vacation home, and when times are bad, they need a storage locker.

Since I learned about passive income, I have been infatuated with earning money, that I do not need to actively work on.

Would you like to collaborate and work on some passive income strategies?

Let’s connect!

Do you know how to contact me.

These happiness short sayings can lift your spirits and pull you out of depression!

Concentrate on some happiness short sayings and repeat them over and over. This daily practice will lift you out of depression and make you feel better.

I have even found websites that have multiple quotes like this one that has 72 happy quotes to make your day.

Happiness is a state of mind, and you can change your state when you have the willpower to do so.

Here is our list of short quotes and images about happiness to brighten your day.
  • “Don’t worry, be happy.” – Bobby McFerrin.
  • “Happiness is a choice. …
  • “You will see in the world what you carry in your heart.” – Creig Crippen.
  • “We suffer more often in imagination than in reality.” – Seneca.

This might rub you the wrong way, but I have also heard that money does not buy happiness. And I do not believe that. I think that money is energy, and when you have good energy flow, you feel better resulting in more happiness.

Together we accomplish more!

Let’s work together and be healthy wealthy and wise.