What if Medicare for All was connected with the SIC Codes?

This post is more about Medicare for All and not as much about the medicare part b issue, but it all matters.

Are you ready?

Medicare for All

The medicare you guide will help you get medicare provider number set in the medicare you book to get medicare part b and medicare for all statistics.

But the real issue is the EXPENSE of healthcare and also healthcare insurance.

Why is healthcare SO expensive?

Granted the doctors and people in the healthcare industry have spent a lot of time and money on education. However there are a lot of people that capitalize financially from the healthcare industry that know little or nothing about health and wellness. But they do know how to find and make money.

In the above vide I express some of my thoughts and beliefs about how there is corruption in the healthcare industry, but I’ll give you a few examples.

  • Insurance Fraud (people cheating the system)
  • Insurance corruption (businesses taking advantage of insurance coverage)
  • Inflated prices on medical equipment and supplies
  • Inflated charges for visits to the doctor
  • And there are many many more

Paying for healthcare and/or insurance is going to be a challenge until the greedy and gluttony is taken care of. So you best learn how to earn more money. Which moves into my next topic, which is Affiliate Marketing.

If healthcare is a topic that you are sincerely interested in, you can earn an income from promoting health and wellness products that offer Affiliate Commissions. You can promote and sell Yoga Mats, Yoga Pants, Exercise Equipment, Wellness Retreats, Diet and Nutrition Coaching and the list goes on.

But first, you need to learn how.

And you can learn about Affiliate Marketing, SEO, Building Websites and marketing in general by getting a Wealthy Affiliate Membership.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out and contact me.



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