Keyword Research for SEO is one of the most important things to learn for attracting traffic to your website.
You need to get inside of the head of the people that you are trying to attract. What are they typing in to google, to find the product or service that you are offering?
Keyword research is an art, not a science. You need to really understand what people are looking for.
This free keyword tool can help you find the right words and phrases to optimize your website for search.
If you would like to learn more about affiliate marketing and making money online, you can get access to the wealthy affiliate program.
And as always, if you have questions please feel free to contact me.
You may have wondered if you can make money online selling clothes and be profitable.
It’s possible!
Think about it. You might even have $500 or $1000 worth of clothes in your closet right now. How many pairs of shoes do you have that you don’t even wear anymore. I’m sure it is plenty. Maybe there is someone else out there that would like to buy them.
If you are willing to put some work into organizing your old clothes, you could sell them online and perhaps make a small fortune. And if you run out of clothes in your own closet, you know that during garage sale time there are tons of great fines out there. And your local thrift shop has some great deals.
Your REAL challenge is the marketing.
To sell things online, you need to understand marketing, and the language used when you are trying to solve problems for people. The reason you are selling your old clothes is perhaps you are decluttering and downsizing. Or maybe you just need some extra money to pay some bills.
The reasons someone else would want to buy the clothes you are looking to sell will be different. Maybe they are an advocate of recycling and reusing. Maybe these people are into sustainability, and live in a society where people don’t like to waste and throw away things. They figured if it was slightly used, it’s almost as good as new. And they would buy it just to reduce waste.
Where to learn marketing
Marketing is something you will need to learn and know how to do in order to sell products online. One of the best places I have found, is the Wealthy Affiliate Training. I am a member, and you could be too.
As always, if you have any questions you can feel free to contact me through this website.
The Elizabeth Warren home page targets geographic locations.
If you have been to the Elizabeth Warren homepage, you may have noticed that it is targeting your state. They are savvy marketers that built that website. It is designed so that it is speaking to the person that is logged on.
When I went to the Elizabeth Warren homepage the first thing I saw was “Will you join our fight in Minnesota?“
Personally, I don’t want to join any fight. That seems violent to me. I’m sure that’s not what she means by fighting, but it is a word that is charged with energy the of aggression.
To be fair, I need to do more research on Elizabeth Warren, but my initial thought on what I have seen is she seems angry. When I see her videos, she is screaming into the microphone a little like Hillary Clinton does.
I am not into politics.
Personally, I am not into politics, as much as I am into character. Donald Trump seems arrogant, Hillary Clinton seems angry and so does Elizabeth Warren. Bernie also seems a little angry. I so far, like the delivery by Andrew Yang.
The Andrew Yang Freedom Dividend is misunderstood by many.
Some people, scream socialism, only because the freedom dividend is similar to the Universal Basic Income or UBI, principle that has been used in socialist countries.
The concept, is actually very simple, however there are a lot of ways of making it more complicated. One of these ways is by taxing only certain sectors of the economy. For example only the technology sector. This is a mistake in my opinion, because it is like putting all your eggs in one basket.
Diversification is Key
In my opinion, it is important to spread the tax across the entire sector of all businesses. I am talking about small self employer businesses as well as large corporate like Amazon and Uber.
However, attempting to include all businesses, may be a challenge, because there will be some people that do not understand, and would not support this new concept.
To me, the trickle up concepts just makes sense in that it is taking the national economic success from all businesses, and re-distributing the wealth of our United States economy back into local communities equally. The freedom dividend is applicable to all law biting legal United States citizens 18 years of age and older.
What is your opinion?
Comment below, and let me know your insights on this new paradigm of the United States economy.
First off, let me say that the understanding of UBI (Universal Basic Income) is not the same for everyone.
By the way…
I’m not interested in this because of political reasons.
Each individual person has their individual understanding of what UBI actually is. Some people think that UBI is specifically related to socialism, and socialism is directly connected to the failure of Venezuela. This is narrow-minded thinking. I do not say narrow-minded, to be condescending. I am just pointing out that that chain of topics of UBI, socialism and Venezuela is a narrow line. The socialism of Venezuela, was tied to politics, oil and corruption. Therefore, the “socialism” of Venezuela cannot be fairly connected to the UBI concept.
There are so many other elements around the concept of Universal Basic Income. The keyword here is the word “universal“ and this is where we need to focus. The concept of UBI that I am referring to is “universally” applied to all businesses, small, medium and large. Also, UBI is “universally” connected to ALL legal and law-abiding United States citizens age 18 and above.
Naturally, with any system there may be some issues that need to be adjusted. For example, prisoners that broke the law, do not get the thousand dollars per month. So then, does this apply to prisoners that are in jail, on the work release program? See… There is a great area there that will need to be dealt with.
However, generally speaking, I believe the UBI concept is a good idea. Rather than government programs, that make the decisions of where the money will flow, a Universal Basic Income (UBI) will move the money from all businesses nationally, back down into our local communities with the people, where it is needed. The people from all over the United States of America will spend that money in their local communities which will eventually move back up and throughout the country.
If you are interested in discussing this topic further, please feel free to contact me. Perhaps we can get on a video and share our thoughts on the topic. Please comment below and share this video if you feel moved to do so.
There seems to be some controversy about the Andrew Yang freedom dividend.
I am really not sure why. However, I think that some people are getting his concept of the $1000 per month freedom dividend confused with a government handout like welfare.
It is not welfare.
The reason, I do not believe it is a welfare hand out, is because it is designed as a dividend, or a piece of the business commerce that is flowing through the United States of America. I think it would be more clearly defined as a profit sharing dividend from all the commercial business and commerce that happens in our country. After all… We the people are citizens of this country.
Must be a US citizen.
The freedom dividend is not eligible to people that have broke the law, and are in jail or prison. It is also not applicable to non-documented immigrants here in the United States. This would be $1000 incentive for people to become documented.
Comment below.
Go ahead, and comment below. Share your thoughts on this freedom dividend concepts.
Candace Owens for Vice President? Andrew Yang for President? Or maybe vice a versa?
I know that a lot of people are stuck in a victim mentality, and this slows their progress. What I like about Candace Owens, is she is helping people move away from the victim mentality, and encourages them to pull themselves up by making something for themselves.
Andrew Yang on the other hand is offering people a way to stabilize their financial situation through leveraging our United States economy.
Owens / Yang Presidency
What do you think? Should we have the first female president be a black woman? Or should we have the first Asian president be a man?
Either way, I think these two people have the citizens of the United States of America in mind. There are two issues here. One is the suppression of our spirit as individuals. The other is our suppression of finances as citizens of the United States.
Personally, I do not believe that the upper class elite have intentionally suppressed people to harm them. I believe they were just taking advantage of the situation for personal gain. There is nothing wrong with personal gain.
Regarding Candace Owens, she is encouraging people to stand up for themselves, and make something for themselves, and not look for a government hand out.
Andrew Yang on the other hand is looking to provide United States citizens with his “freedom dividend“ to help them get the food off their throat and stabilize their financial situation.
The “freedom dividend“ is not a government handout, in my opinion. The “freedom dividend” is owed to us as United States citizens because the businesses that are operating in the United States are operating in our country.
The current taxation system, is full of too many legal loopholes, that allow big business and small business to not put money into the system. This needs to be revised so there is no way for business to avoid or evade paying into the United States economy.